Monday, January 10, 2011

Proper Computer Care

Computers will last a very long time if they are properly cared for. A frequently asked question, and sometimes a question that is not asked as frequently as it should be is "How do I care for my computer properly?" The steps are pretty simple, and in this article I will cover good steps to keep the hardware and software of your computer running smoothly.

One of the best things a computer owner can do is protect their hardware, and prevent physical damage to the computer. Damage to your computer's hardware can result in very costly repairs, or a need to replace the whole machine. A few simple steps:

  1. Keep drinks and other liquids away from your computer, especially if you are using a laptop or netbook. A liquid spill into your computer can cause irreversible damage to many components, and can result in an extremely expensive repair or replacement. It is especially worthwhile to note that all of the important inner workings of a laptop sit directly below the keyboard, so a coffee spill on the keyboard of a laptop can be devastating.
  2. Do not leave your laptop power cable where it can be kicked, or stepped on. This can cause a variety of problems, ranging from a broken internal power jack (repair cost $100 to $150) to a computer falling off a desk and becoming an expensive paperweight. Be mindful of children and pets when placing the cable. The cable usually runs directly into the motherboard, and is best left un-tampered with.
  3. Keep your computer clean! It is good to blow out the fans and grills on any computer about once a month. Less built up dust means better airflow through the computer, and a more reliable, cooler running system! If your computer has an air filter, this should also be cleaned or changed monthly.
  4. Don't move your computer if it is turned on! This goes for external hard drives as well. Most computers contain a hard drive that uses spinning metal platters to store data. These platters spin with enough force to create a gyroscopic effect, and if the computer is moved, the little heads that read the data can strike the platters, causing damage to the drive. Close your laptop, or power down your external drive before moving it.
  5. Keep your laptop on a hard surface! As tempting as it can be to set your laptop on your bed, and surf away. We recommend that laptop computers always sit on a hard surface for two reasons. One is that allowing a laptop to sink into a bed can cover the fan grills, and cause overheating, and a loss of airflow. The other is that sheets and other soft surfaces are going to cause your computer to pick up more dust and lint than it would otherwise.
The other important piece of the puzzle is taking good care of the software. This can be done in a few simple steps.
  1. Always shut down your computer properly, whenever at all possible – This is one of the best ways to prevent data corruption, and windows issues.
  2. If the computer locks up, be patient, give it a good 30 seconds to think before taking any drastic measures.
  3. Uninstall programs that you no longer use – If a program has been sitting for months on your computer without any attention, it is probably a good idea just to get rid of it. You can almost always reinstall it again if you need it, and it wont muck things up any if it is not there.
  4. Re-start your computer at least once a week. If you have a desktop computer that is almost always on, it can be good for the system to re-start periodically. This also goes for laptops that are kept in standby.
With these basic steps in mind, you can have a computer that runs reliably, and keeps you happy far longer than a poorly cared for machine. Take care of your computer, and it will take care of you!

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